Saturday, April 5, 2014

A Visit from the Horned God

I live on a little piece of land in a midwest city.  We have a little creek running through the back of the property, as well as woods all around us.  It's a wonderful way to live, in the city but in the woods.

Every Spring, and sometimes in the Winter, we have a herd of deer that wander through the yard looking for goodies to eat.  They were late this year, only showing up in the past week or so, but unlike other years, they have shown up in numbers.  I counted ten of the great beasts on the first day.  They came across the yard, pausing to look up into the great big window we were watching from.  It's hard to tell, but I'm pretty sure there were at least two bucks in the group.  One of them had a lame back leg, like he was hit by a car and was nursing his leg back to health.  He was eating well, and there wasn't a noticeable bone protruding to get infected, so I just let him go for now.  I'll continue to watch for him and pray to Brighid for his healing.

I love communing with Cernunnos, and it is amazing to have Him walk through the yard, casually taking His time and looking up at the window, letting us know that He sees us.  I had just been calling to Him, asking for his presence and energy around my home.  I always feel protected and energized when He's around.

May Cernunnos find his way into your life and bring his masculine energy with him to guard and protect you!

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