Tuesday, April 1, 2014


When I came out as a Pagan and started networking, people started talking to me about PST - Pagan Standard Time.  What is it and why do we have it?  Pagan Standard Time is that half an hour after an event is supposed to start that people keep filtering in to the space.  To me, it's an excuse to be late and no one to care.

I'm a pretty timely person.  I like to be on time or just a little bit early.  I hate it when people come in late and I'm known to start events that I'm running right on time and not let people in unless they have made arrangements beforehand.  Yes, I'm that much of a bitch sometimes.  If you can't respect the time I put into creating the event, running the event, and all the physical prep work, especially when it's a ritual or other solemn occasion, I'm probably not going to be pleased.  Now, if you are traveling from far away, you get a little leeway.  There are exceptions.

It also upsets me if an organizer is constantly late.  I have a lot of things going on in my life: kids, work, studies, school, running a household and a large social group.  I respect you and your time.  Please respect mine.

I'm not nearly as militant when it comes to social events.  Parties, gatherings, and coffee nights are very loose and people come and go.  It's totally cool to come late or early when it's purely social.

But I really think we need to do away with PST for core rituals and similar events.  It's about respect.  I respect you, you respect me.  We'll get along just fine.

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